Emerson's Brewery Party

On Saturday night Emerson's Brewery will be serving us a beautiful cocoa and cinnamon spiced pulled pork roll with salad. However if you are vegetarian that might not sound so tempting! Therefore, we would like to know if you have any special food requirements, in particular if you are either vegaterian or gluten free please email roshni@blackseal.co.nz.

For numbers we need to know now if you arewanting to bring anyone to join us. The cost will be $20 per head. You will need to order by Tuesday night (click on link) or we can't promise there will be enough.

Today, Emerson's head chef, Andy with his electric guitar and sensational custom built smoker cranked up - cooking the pork slow and low. While he warned us that looking was not cooking, he did allow us one sneaky peek...

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