Well what happened today...We went on a bit of an adventure on the other side of the harbour. We grabbed one of the hire electric bikes from Bike Otago and we decided to head over Highcliff road towards Portobello and met Kashi's mum for a mothers day picnic.
Seeing the harbour on one side and the wild sea on the other was very divine by bike. There are some beautiful little cottages and properties. Lots of things for kids to look at like horses and sheep and even diggers.
I wasn't quite used to the bike, as I normally ride the little folding one. This one was a bit big for me I felt, but it still got up that massive climb no worries and I got a great workout as well. Oh yeah, and we had our two kids on the back too as well as everything but the kitchen sink... that trailer probably weighed 50kg.
After a couple of stops in Portobello and Mac Bay, a few cups of tea, a picnic and ice cream later, it was a great day out on the bikes and Kashi even said it wan't that bad.