Black Friday Sale

For Black Friday we have decided to extend some of our Crankworx sale we put on a few weeks back, plus knock a little more off some 2021 clothing range. It is a great chance to pickup some new threads at discounted prices. 

10-30% off casual clothing, hats and socks

30-60% off 2020 clothing

15-30% off 2021 clothing

In addition, on the bike front... we have a few 2021 SB140's left in stock. Our dealers can now offer these at 10% off RRP. There is also a last few SB130's (2x SM, 3x MD 1x LG), one remaining SB150 in XL, and a few SB165 in MD. Get in quick.

All our 22 bikes keep getting delayed, but everything is on its way finally, so just waiting for freight delays. Our guess is they will be here early January.