Yeti Showroom & Demo Center
We welcome you to visit the new Yeti showroom in Rotorua.
This is a collaborative effort with our local dealer, Ride Rotorua.
We recently took over the shop next door to Ride Rotorua for our operations (1131 Amohau Street), so have setup our showroom to be accessible via Ride Rotorua.

Black Seal is a very small company (currently just myself) and we can't afford extra staff yet to be in the showroom all day. So this is the only way we could have a showroom which is open to public. The crew at Ride Rotorua will be there during opening hours to talk about our bikes and clothing no matter if I'm here or not.

Ride Rotorua is our local dealer and will happily sell you a bike, but they also respect that riders are coming from all over the country and they will encourage you to buy bikes from your local dealer first.
I personally usually hide in behind the showroom where I have my office, a small workshop and my warehouse. But please, feel free to knock or open the sliding door to say hello and ask me any questions !!!

If interested in purchasing a Yeti, please see our purchasing options here.